The primary key to exert a healthy and safe educational atmosphere is to build the surrounding free from any kind of discrimination and bullying. With this as the first and foremost thought, the Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell of the College functions to eradicate any kind of sexual abuse. The Cell is well-designed with distinct objectives that are implemented to uphold zero tolerance towards sexual harassment. It addresses every complaint of the students, teaching and non-teaching staff members with utmost care and attention and the problem is resolved within the shortest time period possible. The Cell follows a systematic procedure in filing, investigating and resolving the issue and is impartial towards anyone to safeguard the integrity, privacy and rights of every person.
Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy
The policy of this Cell is to provide protection against sexual harassment and for prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. The Policy also endeavours to set expectations regarding workplace behaviour and provide with a framework for reporting concerns.
To fulfil the directive of the Supreme Court, as per UGC directives and the University ofMadras in respect of implementing policy against sexual harassment in the institution
Definition of Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment includes behaviours that directly or indirectly lead to abuse of a person:
Activities of Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell
Till now no cases of sexual harassment have been received.
Sl. No |
Name of the members |
Designation |
Role in the committee |
1. |
Smt.M. Roopakala |
Sr. Lecturer |
Chairperson |
2 |
Sri R. Rajagopal |
A.O |
Coordinator |
3 |
Sri. D. Chandra mouli |
Lecturer |
Member |
4 |
Smt. V. Thulasi |
Lecturer |
Member |
5 |
Sri R.Vivek |
Lecturer |
Member |
6 |
Sri M.S. Sreenivasan |
Lecturer |
Member |
7 |
Smt.N.M.Deepa |
Lecturer |
Member |
8 |
Smt. Shanmuga Priya |
Lecturer |
Member |
9 10 |
K.Rohini V. Geetha Lakshmi |
Student Student |
Member Member |
11 12 |
K.V.Akash T. Govardhan |
Student Student |
Member Member |
Contact :
Smt. V. Thulasi
Phone : 8500252238
Any student / Teaching staff / non-teaching staff who wishes to file a complaint can contact any member of the ICC committee in college.
Email us at