VIJAYAM SCIENCE AND ARTS DEGREE COLLEGE provides facilities for enabling the academic pursuits of differently abled learners, besides upholding the tenets of equal opportunities for fostering quality education. All efforts have been made to help realize and promulgate in action the holistic welfare of the differently abled students.
Following are the facilities earmarked for the differently abled learners/students.
- Wheel Chair Facility:
This facility is available in the campus 24×7 and promotes convenient and effective wheelchair ambulation.
- Ramps
The deemed to be university offers the much needed ramps and rails for the differently abled students. The ramps and rails are in place at all the cardinal locations in the campuses (Main- and Off-)
- Scribes for Examination
In compliance with the directives of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Department of Disability Affairs, Govt. of India ( vide F.No. 16-110/2003-DD.III Government of India dt.26-02-2013), SBV permits the students who seek scribe for writing the University examinations. Necessary guidelines have been incorporated in the examination manual (vide document released by the Office of the Controller of Examinations)
- Exclusive toilets/rest rooms
In keeping with the government of India directives, toilets and rest rooms with the necessary facilities are in place.
- Special Teaching/Learning Aids
Facilities for the purpose of providing augmented assistance to the physically and visually challenged students have been enabled.
- Mandatory seats in various academic programmes
SBV has academic programmes that comply with the guidelines issued by the relevant statutory councils, where flexibility cannot be exercised. However, care has been taken to ensure priority based reservations in admission in programmes that are non –statutory in nature.